Thursday, April 30, 2009

5am - Mystery Solved?

This morning I finally was grumpy enough to bark at Brian that it SURE IS COINCIDENTAL that exactly 3 seconds after his alarm stops each morning, Charlie starts fidgeting and is fully awake within about 5 minutes.

Did I mention that he gets up at 5am? And I am 4 months pregnant. And can't seem to fall asleep before 10pm. And that I REALLY DON'T LIKE 5am wake-ups?

I have even become thankful for 6am.... what??? Anyone that knows me well knows that I am definitely, without a doubt, a 7am girl. If I can sleep till 7, the day is beautiful. Six... well, it's still good, but I am a little sleepy and sometimes nap in the afternoon. But 5 - it's like Oscar the Grouch has entered the premises. I am no fun to be around... and the old saying definitely holds true for this family: "If mama aint happy, aint nobody happy!"

The interesting thing is that I really didn't think he could hear Brian's alarm. I was just super tired and grumpy, and the irritation at yet another 5am (5:11 really) wake up made me snap at Brian (sorry Brian!). Charlie has been waking up this early for a few weeks now, and he does it on the weekends, too, with no alarm clock, so that didn't seem to be a common link.

But Brian, being the problem-solver man that he is, brought his phone in to the dining room this evening. I didn't know what he was doing until the involuntary cringe went up my spine as I heard his alarm tune go off.

Which hopefully solved the mystery of the 5am wakeup. Charlie, who was very interested in his dinner, started flapping his arms and cracking up - he LOVES it!!! Absolutely LOVES Brian's wake up song. I swear, he might be just 8 months old, but he was dancing.

So... sorry Charlie, we changed the tune. Although I love that he wakes up in such a fabulous mood, I am hoping for another hour (or two??) of shut eye in the morning.

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