Thursday, April 30, 2009
5am - Mystery Solved?
Did I mention that he gets up at 5am? And I am 4 months pregnant. And can't seem to fall asleep before 10pm. And that I REALLY DON'T LIKE 5am wake-ups?
I have even become thankful for 6am.... what??? Anyone that knows me well knows that I am definitely, without a doubt, a 7am girl. If I can sleep till 7, the day is beautiful. Six... well, it's still good, but I am a little sleepy and sometimes nap in the afternoon. But 5 - it's like Oscar the Grouch has entered the premises. I am no fun to be around... and the old saying definitely holds true for this family: "If mama aint happy, aint nobody happy!"
The interesting thing is that I really didn't think he could hear Brian's alarm. I was just super tired and grumpy, and the irritation at yet another 5am (5:11 really) wake up made me snap at Brian (sorry Brian!). Charlie has been waking up this early for a few weeks now, and he does it on the weekends, too, with no alarm clock, so that didn't seem to be a common link.
But Brian, being the problem-solver man that he is, brought his phone in to the dining room this evening. I didn't know what he was doing until the involuntary cringe went up my spine as I heard his alarm tune go off.
Which hopefully solved the mystery of the 5am wakeup. Charlie, who was very interested in his dinner, started flapping his arms and cracking up - he LOVES it!!! Absolutely LOVES Brian's wake up song. I swear, he might be just 8 months old, but he was dancing.
So... sorry Charlie, we changed the tune. Although I love that he wakes up in such a fabulous mood, I am hoping for another hour (or two??) of shut eye in the morning.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Well, actually, I can believe it.
Whatever. Here's some memories of our Easter this year!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Silly Hair
As we were walking to the deli to get a yummy turkey sandwich, Kailyn spotted the lady in town that I only know how to describe as the "pink hair lady." We actually had our kids together at T-Time, but I am ashamed to say that I never really befriended her, and not for any good reason. She seems nice enough. And come on, I am originally from FL... it takes more than hot pink hair to scare me.
And I am talking hot pink. Like this.
And apparently she didn't scare Kailyn either. She thought that the whole thing was quite silly.
"Mom!!" she yells as loud as her little lungs will allow. "That lady has SILLY hair!!!"
In total shock and completely at a loss for words, I grab Kailyn and tell her that's not nice in a voice as hushed as hers is loud. To which she starts cracking up, both hands palm up, and yells again, directly at the nice lady with pink hair, who happens to be, I don't know, 3 feet away, "You have the SILLIEST HAIR I ever saw. People don't have PINK hair!!!"
All the while giggling like the 3-year-old that she is.
I think that the lady was possibly as embarrassed as I was, because she made a beeline for the next aisle. I didn't get the chance to explain that my daughter just loves pink, and would actually love to have pink hair herself but I haven't been able to find the right shade.... where did you ever find your color?
So what do you say? I mean, really, it is kind of silly to have pink hair, isn't it? Kailyn was making an honest observation about what she saw as different. And it wasn't to be mean. When I asked her later if she liked it, she emphatically responded "YEAAAAAH!"
Of course.
Not that the pink hair lady will ever know this. I am hoping that by having hot pink hair she welcomes the added attention that I am sure it brings, and since she has kids of her own, I can only hope that she understands. That is the only thing that will keep me showing my face in public for some while. That hope.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Failing already...
Because, yesterday, at not even 12 weeks, I FELT THE BABY!!! And I felt it again this morning - there is no doubt whatsoever! It's more like a bump than a kick, but there's definitely something moving around in there!
One would THINK that would be worthy of a post, and it certainly is. I honestly just forgot. I called lots of people to tell them... just didn't think to post it here on our journal.
Maybe I need to listen to that advice a little more carefully! Hopefully by October I will be better =).
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Kailyn's First Haircut
I had my MUCH-NEEDED hair cut scheduled first so that Kailyn could get a look at everything that would go on.... which is why I was surprised that she was so uneasy about the whole thing. She is normally a pretty conservative girl - almost always watching from the sidelines when approaching new territory. That's not to say that she doesn't completely jump in once she checks the scene out, but she's a little cautious. So I was thinking that this would go great since she got to watch me first.
Not so much.
Although she had the best of manners and listened to all the instructions that Natalie gave her, she just did not look like she had a good time... Luckily she had already won everybody over by the time that it was her turn!