Monday, September 04, 2006

Picking Blueberries at the Cabin

We had a great time at the cabin this weekend - it was generally great weather and we were able to get some good family time in. After spending most of the week hand loading and unloading 39,000 pounds of cedar home, Brian and Jared squeezed in time to get most of the trim up and put a second coat of sealer on the little cabin; looks like we are set for winter! I can't believe how fast this summer has flown by! Although we hoped to get the big cabin shelled in this summer, time has simply run out and we are going to have to wait until next year.

Mike & Erin stopped by on Saturday and we all picked some blueberries - Kailyn LOVED it! She couldn't eat them fast enough! Tyler was a great partner for Kailyn, too, since he decided that he didn't care for them after getting a few tart ones.

We let Kailyn try her first Oreo cookie, and there is no doubt about it - she definitely belongs to us! She went nuts and shoved the entire thing into her little mouth. She had a great time hanging out in her Carhart's and playing in the dirt, too, though I am not sure I will ever get the blueberries out of them.... and do I care?

On the way back to Valdez, we took a little break and went hiking around Blueberry Lake. I was hoping to show her the Pass, but there were SO MANY tourists. I guess that other people had my same idea! She is quite the curious little girl, and had a great time studying the different flowers, rocks, and leaves while Willie ran around like a madman and I breathed in the fresh air and relished in the beauty of my daughter and the mountains surrounding her. Aaaahhh... I love this place!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I can finally see your blog! I had lots of fun picking blueberries with you guys this weekend. It was so cute to see Tyler and Kailyn interacting together. Kailyn is such a sport - eating all the blueberries Tyler did not want! We should start an annual family tradition - blueberry picking every September!

Love - Erin

Anonymous said...

I hope I am up there next time for the blueberries. I can't believe how much my grandbaby loves them.