Thursday, August 31, 2006


Poor Willie - Kailyn's latest "game" is charging him with her cart. It is absolutely hilarious, though I do feel bad for poor Willie, who has learned to listen for the "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg, heeeeeee" that means Kailyn is coming. I'm not sure if you can really tell in the picture, but he is getting ready to run hard left to get out of her way, but he has to wait till the last possible second or she turns, too. She thinks this to be sooo funny & squeals her excitement when he darts out of her way. And me, supposedly the mom and protector of all in the family, can do nothing but belly laugh every time she does it. Oh, poor Willie and the torture to come for him!

Kailyn recently decided that she doesn't like broccoli. After Dad took too long to take each piece from her, she made a little pile on the side to be sure that it didn't accidentally touch the yummy chicken fettucine. I am kind of wondering if it's a color thing now, though. Tonight, she kept all of her peas (I was so scared she would decide she didn't like those either, and I'd never get to make them since Brian doesn't like them either) until last, and ate all the yellow corn first, then the orange carrots, then all the peas.... does she not care for green?

The big girls helping out in the yard picking up Willie poo - I made them a deal - $1 a pile (thinking I might have $15 piles, so $7 or $8 a piece, that was worth it to me. Well, 5 minutes later, Tori came in with the totals: Mikayla 30 piles, Katie 26 piles. I almost fainted. $56!!!! So.... we renegotiated - $5 each and an ice cream cone - they were happy, and of course, so was I. I haven't been taking Kailyn out in the rain when Willie goes, figuring I'd get it on the next sunny day.... who knew a little guy like Willie could make so much poo!

Of course, you know Brian thinks this is great - Kailyn slams her milk, and then throws the cup down when she's done with an "aaaaaahhh." Some of the guys want to teach her to crush the milk cup on her head, but I've drawn the line. Mean Mom is no fun!


Anonymous said...

Like Father, Like Daughter. Just think of what's to come! I'm a little scared for you Staci.

Anonymous said...

Too fun! I can hear Kailyn running after Willie with her fun laugh . it makes me laugh too.
Thanks for the updates althought we do not write back often on this site, we really do enjoy the pictures and your great stories.
Love you all .... Peggy :-)

Belle Etoile said...

You know, Isaac always saves HIS favorites things on his plate to eat last. Maybe that's what Kailyn's doing - maybe pees are her favorite. :)