Saturday, May 09, 2009

Peek A Boo

An easy way to stay entertained, I'd say. Charlie LOVES to play games and laugh and Peek-A-Boo has come back around as his favorite lately.

Among other things that totally and completely crack Charlie up these days, "no" seems to also be a favorite. I am not really sure what to do about this; the sterner you say it, the harder he laughs. Luckily he's not really into anything that's too bad, but I'd like him to learn what it means before he does!
He's such a tease, too. The other day, he had a paper that he started to put into his mouth, and of course, I told him "no," and pulled his hand down. He was laughing sooooo hard that it got to the point that no noise was even coming out of him. He would turn his head, but look at me and slowly bring it to his mouth, waiting for me to tell him "no" so he could throw his hands up and laugh. And, really, what can you do but laugh with him? I love watching their individuality and personality come out.
On a total side note: you may have heard me from time to time complain about my husband sleeping like a starfish. No kidding. Arms out, legs out - just like a star. He's lucky that I usually sleep on my side and pretty much stay in the same spot all night, or one of us would probably have to go (from the bed, that is). Anyways, I noticed something that gave me cause to laugh so hard that no noise came out. See if you can see what did it for me...


Erin said...

What a cutie! I can't wait to hear baby Charlie giggle! And aren't sleeping babies just the cutest thing ever?!!

Mema said...

Charlie loves to watch you in the mirror also. He is a charactor. I sure do miss him. Love, Mema