Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"No Maneenan"

We took Kailyn for her first snow machining ride (her first "real ride") and all had a blast. We stayed in town, not knowing how she would do, but she loved it and wants to go lots more! We did learn that it was best for us girls to stay in front though, because it was tempting to pass along the "Sit down, Daddy.... not safe," after hearing it umpteen thousand times in my ear! Kailyn was VERY concerned that her dad wasn't being as safe as possible each time he stood up on the sled. Hmmm... I think that she is going to be our cautious one!

She started with Dad on our street, but really wanted to be in the backpack. The ride started with her pretty scared of the loud noise, but once she saw the backpack and made the connection that it was a "winter 4-wheeler," she was ALL OVER IT!!! We're pretty lucky that she loves to do all the same stuff we do! I hope that the next baby is as easy going....

p.s The ride was actually at the beginning of December... it just took me that long to post...


Anonymous said...

She looks like a little bug with those googles .... to cute !!!
Memere is glad she is making daddy be safe :-}

Anonymous said...

Mema sure does miss her family.

Kelly T said...

Hey there Staci! I got your link off Shan's blog and this post was great! We too, have a cautious one as Lacy is oh, so hesitant to try anything:) But, way to go Kailyn for not giving up! And I hear congratulations is due as you are expecting your second! That is so wonderful! I will add ya to our blogger buddies!