Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Habin Bun!!!

In case you haven't heard my excitement about Kailyn's new school, she started on Monday and we both LOVE it!! Mrs. Banner invited the moms a little early to help practice for Sunday's Christmas Pageant (can you feel how absolutely ecstatic I am about this?), and so I was able to get in on all the fun, too. There are all kinds of fabulous toys at Small Fry, they do lots of crafts (is this not my IDEAL preschool or what??), and sing lots of songs.
She's in the 3-year-old class, which means that she is significantly younger then the other kiddos. Brian and I talked quite a bit about it and decided that it's probably a good thing to be around older kids. I hope that we made the right choice! I've already seen some changes in her attitude; I am thinking that she definitely wants to be like the "big kids." I hope that she makes friends in class and does OK - my fear is that she will be too young and will feel left out and alienated because there's a big social and developmental difference between 2 1/2 (not even) and 3 1/2... Hopefully, it'll work the other way and Kailyn will learn lots of new things from these guys... So far we've ended both days with "habin fun," a hug and a kiss for Mrs. Banner, and the question, "come back next time?"

"That was fun, Kailyn, we'll definitely come back next time!!"

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