Friday, November 10, 2006

Texas & Florida

Though we've been home for a while, it seems that I can never make the time to get in here and post these pictures.
We had so much fun in Texas and Florida - we left when the sun was shining (well, it was green anyways), and came home to a snow-covered Alaska - WOOHOO! The timing couldn't have been better - though it was definitely hot down there, the end of October is nothing compared to summertime.
While in Texas, Aunt Nancy, Uncle Joe, Cousin Bryan, and his new wife Justyna came down from Houston. We all had dinner at the Texas Steakhouse, and Kailyn was quite the little cowgirl - check out her boots! We have decided that if we ever (God forbid) have to leave Alaska, Texas is where we want to be. The people are UNBELIEVABLE! Among several other incidences, there was a group of smokers that moved into the street to let Kailyn have fresh air. Brian and I were speechless!

Kailyn's first time at the bar. Belly up! After this, we were able to get a babysitter for the rest of the night. Brian and I went dancing with everyone and had such a good time that we had to call home to see if we could stay out "just a little bit longer, pleeeeease???"
Our Florida trip was a little different - no dancing there! We were able to get all of my stuff packed up and loaded into the connex, along with the Bobcat and the furniture for the cabin. Brian helped dad alot in the yard and shop. Apparently the bark beetles have gotten down that way, too. They've killed most all of the pines in the yard, which is really sad because my parent's house has always been pretty well shaded. They make these little holes and then get in there and eat the bark until the tree dies.

As usual, Kailyn wanted to know how she could help all the time. When Dad and Brian were clearing brush, she wanted to be right in the middle of it all, checking it all out. She is learning so much these days - she repeats everything and LOVES to read books so much that she actually pants when you get one out. It's so funny.
We took golf cart rides at least once a day to go see all of the animals around - there were goats, cows, horses, roosters, chickens, bulls.... she had a great time. No one could go in the garage without Kailyn dashing for the door to climb up on it. We couldn't decide if she liked being out in the open with no car seat, or if she liked talking to all the animals... probably a combination.

Kailyn also had her first trip to McDonald's when we were down there, but I hear her waking up, so I will post those later.

1 comment:

Belle Etoile said...

Such a cutie in her little cowgirl boots. I've been dying to get some for Sophia, but the only ones I've seen are at Gymboree for like 45 dollars!!! No thanks... So cool that Kailyn got a chance to cruise around in a golf cart just like Sophia!