Saturday, March 07, 2009

Looking for the stars

Charlie provides us with so many crack ups each day. A couple of mornings ago, we decided to put some Stars on his tray after he finished all his cereal (and his bananas)...
He is just learning how to grasp little bitty things, and he is not completely coordinated at getting them into his mouth. Add that to the fact that kids this age do not usually understand that things can still exist even if they can't see them, and the combo made for an amusing morning. He would finally get one in his hand, then close his little fist and keep looking around to see what happened to the puff. He was making himself so frustrated that were "gone." It was kind of sad to watch him get so upset, but I couldn't help thinking how absolutely adorable he was. Of course I couldn't get pictures of him with the puff, but thought these were cute anyways.

Kailyn was sweet enough to finally give in and feed him the puffs.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I love the 2nd from the last picture! Kailyn looks like the momma bird feeding her little baby!