Saturday, August 29, 2009

Breaking in the new bed...

... the G Rated version!

After years of complaining about sleeping in a Queen size bed with my super *STAR* husband (who, in case you have missed the previous posts, really does sleep like a star... a rotating, rolling, tossing, and hitting super star), I finally gave in and "got off the wallet", as Brian says. He says this because for all the complaining, I am too cheap to spend the money when we were given a beautiful queen bedroom set for our wedding that was perfectly fine! But... the cabin is to the point that we are starting to think about furniture, and it seemed silly to buy a bedroom set for there instead of here.

So, the timing was perfect. Brian has been wanting a Temperpedic bed, and Sadler's had their truckload sale, so we were able to save a couple hundred bucks. Hey, it got me, anyways. We are now happy owners of a HUGE king size bed.

One of the funnest parts of buying a Temperpedic is that you have to break in the foam by jumping and walking on it. Luckily, we had a few kiddos that were happy to lend a hand! Even Charlie got in on the action - notice all the drool marks!!!

The furniture was a little tougher to decide on. After two days of going to every furniture store in Anchorage, we stopped in the Amish store on a whim. I've always LOVED their work, but would NEVER spend that much money. But, after talking to Brian for a long time, we didn't really love any of the stuff we had seen, none of it was great quality, and all of it was overpriced anyways. So, for just a tad bit more money than we had planned, we were able to order exactly what we wanted to be handmade by some of the most talented craftsmen in the world. We are super excited about it, and will be posting pictures when it gets here. Until then, excuse the completely unfinished and messy bedroom!

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